Lutheran Weekly from Pastor Dale Critchley
A Mixture of technology and theology with a little bit of how God is working through all kinds of people. Lutheran Weekly features interviews with and regarding conservative, confessional Lutheran (esp. LCMS) resources for preaching, teaching, and otherwise presenting Jesus Christ to the world. This podcast is targeted toward all Christians but of specific interest to Lutherans. Resources include, but are not limited to, websites, Bible Studies, bands and other music resources, software developers, etc. You will also hear from chaplains from the front lines both in America and around the world, triumphant true stories from all walks of life, camp stories, and much more. We also discuss other tidbits of interest, including using technology in ministry. Each week, we begin with an interview. Following the interview, expect a tidbit on using technology in ministry, such as website tips, podcast creation tips, how to distribute your sermon or service, using computers in ministry, and many other ideas. We will finish each week with a suggestion of the week, offering an idea that you may be able to create or implement. Subscribing is, of course, free, so try it out and see what you think! If you would like to be interviewed for this podcast, fill out the form at Any company that uses telemarketing or spam as part of their marketing method need not apply. Note: Podcasts are distributed in mono instead of stereo to make it easier on those with dial-up.
- Language:
English (United States)
- Kind:
- Large artwork
- Apple Podcasts ID:
- Categories: Christianity Religion & Spirituality
- Website:
- Links
Monetization signals
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Technical details
- RSS:
(validate with Livewire, TrueFans,, podbase, or Cast Feed Validator) - Apple Podcasts mirror URL:
- Hosting: Unknown
Most recent enclosure URL:
Publishing trends
- Age: 19 years (created 2005-09-06)
- Available episodes:
Episode duration
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Cache: This page was last updated 18 years ago
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