Ave Maria Radio: Kresta in the Afternoon from Al Kresta - Host
Kresta in the Afternoon is what Catholic radio has been missing: a daily conversation - personal, authentic and human. It looks at all of life through the lens of Scripture and the teaching tradition of the Catholic Church. The scope is not limited to spiritual subjects...our host Al Kresta talks abortion, war, peace, dissent, old age, New Age, heavy metal, light eating, politics, church affairs, current events, family and marriage, movies and media, theology and apologetics, sports, crime and business. It's talk radio where God matters.
- Language:
English (United States)
- Kind:
- Large artwork
- Apple Podcasts ID:
- Categories: Christianity Religion & Spirituality
- Website:
- Links
Monetization signals
- No paid Apple Podcasts Subscription detected (type:
Technical details
- RSS:
(validate with Livewire, TrueFans, w3.org, podbase, or Cast Feed Validator) - Apple Podcasts mirror URL:
- Hosting: Unknown
Most recent enclosure URL:
Publishing trends
- Age: 15 years (created 2009-05-12)
- Available episodes:
- Stated frequency:
updated daily
Episode duration
- Most
episodes are between59
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