PPHK Enhanced Podcast Channel from Punch Party Hong Kong
2009年2月20日,Punch Party Hong Kong 第一個派對開鑼!大會邀請了六位來自不同界別的 blogger 在7分鐘內分享職場趣事和 blogger 生涯,超過一百六十名參加者親身見證;我們更透過 Twitter 作文字轉播。 PPHK1 Podcast 版本將分為八個部份,iTunes 訂閱版本更附有講員現場播放的投影片, 希望你會訂閱收聽。
- Language:
English (United States)
- Kind:
- Large artwork
- Apple Podcasts ID:
- Categories: Technology
- Website:
- Links
Monetization signals
- No paid Apple Podcasts Subscription detected (type:
Technical details
- RSS:
(validate with Livewire, TrueFans, w3.org, podbase, or Cast Feed Validator) - Apple Podcasts mirror URL:
- Hosting: Unknown
Most recent enclosure URL:
Publishing trends
- Age: 15 years (created 2009-04-28)
- Available episodes:
Episode duration
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Cache: This page was last updated 15 years ago
Copyright Information: The podcast, artwork and data presented on this page is compiled from the podcast’s public RSS feed and other publicly available sources. All assets pertaining to this podcast are the property of its owner and are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Podcast X-Ray or Bumper.