Street Doctors from Lifetime
Do G-spots really exist? Does TV rot kids' brains? And why is it that you can count calories until the cows come home and not lose a pound, but your husband stops drinking juice and drops 25? Get the answer to these (and tons more) wacky health questions by watching our original online series. First we ask the man and woman on the street what they think, and then we ask our own Dr. Ross Donaldson, a UCLA medical professor specializing in emergency medicine and international health, for his opinion -- yeah, we'll take that one. Can you separate health fact from health fiction? Find out now.
- Language:
English (United States)
- Kind:
- Large artwork
- Apple Podcasts ID:
- Categories: Health & Fitness
- Website:
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Monetization signals
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Technical details
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- Hosting: Libsyn
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Publishing trends
- Age: 15 years (created 2009-04-02)
- Available episodes:
Episode duration
- Most
episodes are between1
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Cache: This page was last updated 15 years ago
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