Harlo White Ministries

The Godcasts below are excerpts from the 1,000s of Pastor White's messages he's delivered throughout these great United States and Chicago, IL (home church for 27+ years). Pastor White is blessed with a unique anointing, prophetic gift and insight to unfold Truths and mysteries locked within scriptures. He is masterful in relating the fullness of God's Word to an individual's life! This ministry is sanctified and tailored to the Sons of God; ...for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God (Romans 8:14); he who has an ear let him hear. I hope you enjoy these refreshing perspectives! We'd love to hear your feedback, testimony or prayer request; submit an iTunes review, send us an e-mail, or call our prayer line at (312) 433-2312. And may God Bless you abundantly!

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